Wednesday 3 September 2008

'Death Race': Bad Max, By Kurt Loder

The to the highest degree astonishing thing about "Death Race," a crash-bang action movie otherwise wholly free of astonishment, or regular much passing interest, is the presence in its cast of Joan Allen. And apart from the fact that she's actually in this damn thing � togged out in exactly the sort of dark, trim suits she wears in the "Bourne" movies � she is also called upon to utter the most problematical line in any recent film. I'm sure you can make it out through the scrim of dashes: "OK, co------ers, f with me, and we'll see world Health Organization sh--s on the sidewalk." This from an actress who's been nominated for three Academy Awards.

If I tell you that "Death Race" was directed by genial dreck purveyor Paul W.S. Anderson, the adult male who littered the earthly concern with "AVP: Alien vs. Predator" and "Resident Evil," that may be all you need to know about this dismal flick. But let's press on anyway.

The picture is set in a hell-hole prison house � it looks like a immense abandoned foundry � that houses (what else?) "the worst of the worst": murderers, rapists, personal-injury lawyers, what get you. And Allen's character, Hennessey, is the warden of this place � or as one lowlife puts it, watching her walking to work right through all the scumbags, "the baddest ass in the yard." She also presides all over an event called Death Race, a sort of armored NASCAR tourney in which the fearsome autos are equipped with all manner of cannons, flamethrowers, even napalm, and impelled by guys with handles like Machine Gun Joe (Tyrese Gibson, looking selfsame 50 Cent) and the Grimm Reaper (Robert LaSardo).

Death Race is beamed out worldwide on the Internet; it's wildly popular, and Hennessey gets hot watching the situation hits click up into the multimillions. There's a problem, though: Her reigning champion, a mysterious subhuman called Frankenstein, grievously banged-up in the last Death Race, has secretly died of his injuries. Fortunately, since Frankenstein always wore a scarey metal mask and never spoke, he can easy be replaced � and Hennessey has just the man for that design: a real life racing star named Jensen Ames (Jason Statham), world Health Organization was framed for the murder of his wife and now resides in Hennessey's bloodcurdling lockup. Ames is persuaded to get behind the mask and is mated with a hot distaff "navigator" (don't ask) named Case (Natalie Martinez). Before you crapper say "cue mayhem," the Death Race is second underway.

Statham, the English Vin Diesel, does most of his acting with his brow muscles, which may over-qualify him for this picture. He glowers and broods, beat generation and gets beaten, piece all about him tank-like hot rods go hilarious through the bullet-filled airwave and purchasing the farm in billowy fireballs. Once upon a time, car chases were a highlighting of whatever serious activeness movie (come back, George Miller!); here they ar its entire substance, which will make "Death Race" a source of fascination mainly for those who've never seen one.

The motion-picture show is notionally based on that '70s grindhouse classic, "Death Race 2000," which starred David Carradine and the pre-"Rocky" Sylvester Stallone. But that film had elements of satire and gobbets of humor amid the butchery. "Death Race," with its leeched coloring, is grisly and laughless, and Anderson pushes his stuttery cameras so draw in to the action that it's oftentimes a nervous strain to discern what on the button is leaving on. Or, if it need be said, to care.

Check out everything we've got on "Death Race."

For breaking newsworthiness, celebrity columns, humor and more � updated around the clock � visit

Don't miss Kurt Loder's reviews of "The House Bunny," "The Rocker" and "Hamlet 2," also novel in theaters this week.

More info

Sunday 24 August 2008

Improved Technique Determines Structure In Membrane Proteins

�Understanding the form and function of certain proteins in the human physical structure is becoming faster and easier, thanks to the work of researchers at the University of Illinois.

By combining custom-built spectrometers, novel probe designs and faster pulse sequences, a squad led by Illinois chemistry professor Chad Rienstra has developed unique capabilities for probing protein chemistry and structure through the manipulation of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

The researchers' recent results represent significant advancement toward atomic-scale resolution of protein structure by solid-state NMR spectrometry. The technique can be applied to a large range of membrane proteins and fibrils, which, because they ar not water-soluble, are a great deal not amenable to more than conventional solution NMR spectrographic analysis or X-ray crystallography.

"In our experiments, we explore couplings between atoms in proteins," Rienstra aforesaid. "Our goal is to translate genomic information into high-resolution structural information, and thereby be able to better empathise the function of the proteins."

Solid-state NMR spectroscopy relaxes the need for solvability of the sample. In solution NMR spectroscopy, molecules are allowed to tumble randomly in the charismatic field. In solid-state NMR spectroscopy, molecules are immobilized within a small cylinder called a rotor. The rotor is then spun at high speed in the magnetic field.

"With increased speed and sensitivity, we can get very heights resolution spectra," Rienstra said. "And, because we commode resolve thousands of signals at a time - one for each atom in the sample - we can buoy determine the structure of the intact protein."

To amend sensitivity and accelerate information collection, Rienstra's group is developing smaller rotors that can be spun at rates surpassing 25,000 rotations per second. The faster rotation rate and smaller sample size allows the researchers to hold more data in less time, and solve structure with just a few milligrams of protein.

The determination of protein structure benefits not only from improvements in engineering, but too from the researchers' novel approach to refining geometric parameters.

Structure determination is ordinarily based upon distances between atoms. Rienstra discovered a way of measuring both the distance between atoms and their relative orientations with very high precision.

"Using this technique, we pot more exactly define the fragments of the particle, and how they ar oriented," Rienstra said. "That allows us to delineate protein features and ascertain structure at the atomic scale."

Rienstra will describe his group's modish findings and techniques at the home meeting of the American Chemical Society, to be held in Philadelphia, Aug. 17-21. Rienstra and his collaborators described their work - creating the highest resolution protein structure resolved by solid-state NMR - in the March 25 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The work was funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

Source: James E. Kloeppel

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

More info

Thursday 14 August 2008

Canada's Government Announces Aboriginal Health Care Reform In Nova Scotia

� The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Federal Interlocutor for M�tis and Non-Status Indians, on behalf of the Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Health, announced today reforms that will serve improve the delivery of Aboriginal health care in Nova Scotia.

The Aboriginal Health Transition Fund proclaimed today is designed to improve the integration of Federal and Provincial health services, improve access to health services and increase the participation of Aboriginal peoples in the figure, delivery and evaluation of health programs and services to take them better suited to Nova Scotia's Aboriginal community. Canada's Government is investing over $3 million towards this Fund.

"Our government activity is pleased to denote these important changes in health upkeep services that will better serve the unique of necessity of Aboriginal people in Nova Scotia," said Minister Strahl. "These reforms will help more Aboriginal people plan, redeem and assess health programs and services with the goal of improving the health and well-being our First Nations' people in Nova Scotia."

"Today's announcement demonstrates the positive and growing running relationship we have been developing in Nova Scotia," said Minister Angus MacIsaac, Nova Scotia's Deputy Premier and Acting Minister of Aboriginal Affairs. "It will help fetch all of us closer to the goal of improving the health of Aboriginal Nova Scotians."

"Our Chiefs panorama this investment as a real opportunity to help improve wellness services for Aboriginal mass in Nova Scotia," said Chief Lawrence Paul, Co-Chair of the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs. "Our Chiefs are very surefooted that by working together, these projects will plow some of the priorities and issues facing First Nations people and avail meet our objective of improving the overall health of our people and our communities."

The Aboriginal Health Transition Fund was established to devise fresh ways of integrating and adapting health services to better meet the inevitably of Aboriginal people. Canada's Government is investing $200 million over 5 years in all provinces.


The Aboriginal Health Transition Fund provides transitional funding to Provincial and Territorial governments and First Nations, Inuit and M�tis organizations and communities in three areas:

Integration - to support First Nations and Inuit communities in improving the coordination and integration 'tween provincial/territorial health systems and health systems within First Nations and Inuit communities.

Adaptation - to sustenance provincial and territorial governments in adapting their existing health programs to the unique inevitably of all Aboriginal peoples.

Pan-Canadian - to financial backing cross-jurisdictional First Nations, Inuit and M�tis priorities or shared priorities in adaptation and carrying out initiatives.

The following projects will be initiated as a result of the AHTF:

Integration Projects

Nova Scotia Federal First Nations Home Care Service and Policy Integration Initiative -- $180,000. This send off will wagerer integrate domicile and continuing care services for First Nations in Nova Scotia. Partners include the Nova Scotia Department of Health's Continuing Care Branch, the Union of Nova Scotia Indians, the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq and Health Canada.

Enhancement of Health Authority and First Nations Communication, Service Coordination and Access -- $127,five hundred. A Memorandum of Understanding will be developed between two First Nations communities and the Guysborough Antigonish Strait Health Authority (GASHA) to clarify roles and responsibilities for health service legal transfer, establish specific targets and improve coordination of wellness services. Partners include GASHA, the Paq'tnket First Nation, the Potlotek First Nation and Health Canada.

Collaboration for Improved Integration of Mental Health Services in Pictou Landing First Nation -- $187,500. This jut will facilitate increase the capacity of First Nation community health staff to respond to mental health issues, design and apply on reserve support groups and evolve a strategy for better collaboration between the Pictou Landing First Nation and the Pictou County Health Authority.

Project to Improve Mental Health Services and Address the Complex Discharge Planning Needs of First Nations Residents -- $143,600. The Annapolis Valley District Health Authority (DHA) testament work with three First Nation communities and the South West Nova DHA to improve mental wellness services and discharge preparation for composite cases. Other partners include the Acadia First Nation, the Bear River First Nation and the Annapolis Valley First Nation.

Collaborative Care for the Children and Youth We Share -- $215,075. This project volition work with partners to develop collaborative mechanisms, policies and procedures to ameliorate the delivery of mental health services for children and youth in Aboriginal communities. Partners include the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq, the Annapolis Valley DHA, the Capital Health IWK Health Centre, Colchester East Hants DHA, Eastern Shore Musquodobit Community Health, GASHA, Pictou County Health Authority, and the South West Nova DHA.

Telling Our Stories: Quantifying, Documenting and Articulating First Nations' Health Needs -- $376,193. This project will address the gaps in the collection and access of Aboriginal health information through the development of health indicators and the sharing of health information. Partners include five Cape Breton First Nations communities, GASHA, the Cape Breton DHA, Cancer Care Nova Scotia, Cardiovascular Health Nova Scotia, the Reproductive Care Program of Nova Scotia, the Population Health Research Unit, the Nova Scotia Department of Health and the We'koqma'q Health Centre.

Working Toward Health Status Reporting with First Nations in Nova Scotia (A Project to Prepare First Nation Communities for Panorama Implementation) -- $245,000. This project will improve the integrating and coordination of provincial, community and federal wellness services for First Nations by working to implement the pan-Canadian Public Health Surveillance Management System (Panorama). Partners include the Wagmatcook First Nation, the Nova Scotia Department of Health Promotion and Protection, the Cape Breton DHA, Health Canada, the Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq, and Cape Breton First Nations.

Adaptation Projects

Mental Health and Addictions Prevention and Promotion Initiative; Colchester - East Hants Health Authority -- $208,000. This project will fund First Nations in Millbrook and Indian Brook to work with Colchester East Hants Health Authority to develop a partnership to address the significant health needs related to to mental health forwarding and addictions prevention. It will adapt tools and processes related to to the delivery of mental wellness and addictions services in order to address the cultural context in which prevention and promotion supports are provided. The Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Health is the pient of this project.

The Path Less Travelled: Using Navigation Approaches to Improve the Capacity of Aboriginal Patients to Access the Health System; Cape Breton Nova Scotia First Nations (Tui'kn communities) -- $275,000. This project will adapt training materials and referral processes for Aboriginal people diagnosed with cancer, adapting the Cancer Care Nova Scotia approach. It will meliorate the feel of Aboriginal patients in the health care system by adapting navigation and co-ordination tools and strengthening local capacity to support patients and their families who are facing chronic diseases and accessing discussion from many different agencies. The Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Health is the recipient of this project.

Aboriginal Health Awareness Project; Native Council of Nova Scotia -- $223,500. This project will assess the health necessarily of off-reserve Aboriginal peoples and part information in order to assist with planning and delivery of services to improve accessibility to off-reserve Aboriginal peoples in Nova Scotia, and will create a database and resource guide of province-wide health programs and services to enable off-reserve Aboriginal people to be aware of these services and enable better access. The Government of Nova Scotia, Department of Health is the recipient of this externalize.

In addition to the adaptation projects listed above, Nova Scotia receives finances to put through its adaptation plan -- $275,000.

Pan-Canadian Projects

Improving Pathways to Mental Health in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick -- $598,881. This protrude is intentional to ameliorate access to mental wellness services in communities affiliated with the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs; better the mental health cognition of community workers; and increase the efficiency of the mental health organisation through the introduction of "health navigators." Mental wellness service assessments will be conducted in each community of interests to estimate the capacity of the formal mental health system and expose informal pathways to genial health service. Partners let in Colchester East Hants, Pictou County, and River Valley Health Authorities; Millbrook, Indian Brook, Tobique, Woodstock, Kingsclear, St. Mary's, Oromocto, and Pictou Landing First Nations.

Midwifery in Aboriginal Community Settings -- $199,900. This project will help the Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs in conducting a research project on traditional midwifery and develop and recommend an implementation scheme for providing midwifery services in Aboriginal communities, in keeping with provincial programs. Partners include five First Nations: Chapel Island, Eskasoni, Membertou, Wagmatcook, Waycobah; the Nova Scotia Department of Health, Primary Health Care Section; the Cape Breton Regional Hospital; the Inverness Consolidated Memorial Hospital; and the Association of Nova Scotia Midwives.

Health Canada

More info

Friday 27 June 2008

Fleeshman confirmed for Elton tour

Richard Fleeshman will support Elton John on his summer arena tour.

The 19-year-old, first rumoured to be John's opening act in March, will play four solo dates in the UK this month before joining John as the support act at Swansea's Liberty Stadium on June 29.

Fleeshman called his opening slot "an amazing honour", adding: "Elton has always been an idol of mine but it is incredibly nerve-wracking as well. I'm going to ease myself into it by doing some warm up dates around the country before it. I cannot wait to go out there."

John said: "When I heard Neon [Fleeshman's debut album], I couldn't believe how mature the record sounded and how developed and accomplished Richard's songwriting is at such a young age. I was delighted to offer Richard a slot on my summer stadium shows."

> Click here for our review of Neon

See Also

Thursday 19 June 2008

Bob Barker: I Won't Be McMahon-handled

Bob Barker, 84, thinks fellow retiree Ed McMahon's financial state is "sad" -- but not sad enough to stop him from cracking a joke about it.
Bob Barker: Click to watch

See Also

Thursday 12 June 2008

Moritz Bleibtreu working in Akin's 'Kitchen'

BERLIN -- German actor Moritz Bleibtreu will have a lead role in director Fatih Akin's film "Soul Kitchen," which nabbed 800,000 euros ($1.26 million) from local subsidy body Filmforderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein.

The comedy, which will be shot in Hamburg, centers on a restaurant owner (Adam Bousdoukos) whose life has entered a rough patch. Birol Unel (Akin's "Head-On") also has a role. Filming will begin in October with a budget of 4 million euros ($6.3 million), according to producer Klaus Maeck. Corazon International is producing the film.

FFHSH also gave 350,000 euros ($550,000) to Berlin-based Schramm Film for "Dorfpunks," based on the novel by Rocko Schamoni and to be directed by Lars Jessen. The fund also is backing director Eleanore Faucher's "Gamines" from Cologne's Pandora, which received 320,000 euros ($503,000). That film will be based on French actress Sylvie Testud's family history.

See Also

Friday 6 June 2008

Remote Spaces

Remote Spaces   
Artist: Remote Spaces

   Electronic: Progressive



   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 6

Stargard 20.04.01 Cd2   
 Stargard 20.04.01 Cd2

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 15

Stargard 20.04.01 Cd1   
 Stargard 20.04.01 Cd1

   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 7


   Year: 2001   
Tracks: 6


   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 12


   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 7


Thursday 29 May 2008


Artist: Smogus



Smogus EP   
 Smogus EP

   Year: 2002   
Tracks: 8


Daz Dillinger

Monday 26 May 2008

Ryan Reynolds Told Friends About Engagment Via Text Message

Ryan Reynold’s friends were kept in the dark about his engagement to Scarlett Johansson, and send the actor a text message to confirm the story was true.

Reynolds' Definitely, Maybe co-star Elizabeth Banks says the couple wanted to send a message, rather than call their pals.

She tells Usmagazine: "I texted him to say, 'Are you really engaged or is this a joke?' And he said, 'Yes, we're really engaged!'"

Johansson and Reynolds have been dating since February 2007, shortly after Blade: Trinity star Reynolds broke off his engagement to singer Alanis Morissette.

They announced their engagement earlier this month.

See Also

Critics cheer return of Indiana Jones in new film

By Mike Collett-White

CANNES, France (Reuters) - Indiana Jones returns 19 years
after his last adventure, and early reaction suggests the
majority of Cannes film festival's notoriously picky critics
are happy the whip-wielding archaeologist is back.

Harrison Ford reprises his most famous role in "Indiana
Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," a high-octane
fantasy set in the 1950s when Jones no longer faces Nazis but a
KGB agent after the ultimate Cold War weapon -- mind control.

There are plenty of jokes about 65-year-old Ford's age, and
he reunites with Karen Allen, co-star in the first Indiana
Jones movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" released in 1981.

"Not as easy as it used to be," Jones mutters early on.

His young sidekick Mutt Williams, played by Shia LaBeouf,
at one point bluntly asks: "What are you, like 80?," and there
are strong hints he will take over the mantle from Ford.

Australian actress Cate Blanchett, with severe fringe, dark
hair and over-the-top Russian accent, plays evil Soviet agent
Irina Spalko who races Jones to the secret of the crystal

"I apologize to the entire Russian populace for my Russian,
but hopefully it will be dubbed," Blanchett, her hair back to
blonde, joked at a press conference.

Warm, though not loud applause broke out as the credits
rolled at the first press screening ahead of a glitzy evening
red carpet event, and early online reviews were mostly

Matchbox Twenty Cancel Due To Animal Concerns

Matchbox Twenty have pulled out of a scheduled concert performance at the Cheyenne Frontier Days in Wyoming this July as it "would directly contradict the mission statement of SIDEWALK ANGELS" - frontman Rob Thomas' non-profit organization.The band were booked to play the rodeo on July 18, but have pulled out and issued the following statement on the band's official website:"Regrettably, Matchbox Twenty will not be able to perform at Cheyenne Frontier Days on July, 18th. After careful consideration, it was decided that participating in this event would directly contradict the mission statement of SIDEWALK ANGELS FOUNDATION, our non profit organization. The other members of Matchbox Twenty support this decision and while we understand that a great deal of effort went into the planning of this show, and apologize to any and all fans who purchased tickets to see us. We ask that they please understand that it would be impossible for us to put ourselves in the position of making money from what we believe to be the mistreatment of animals."Thomas and his wife, Marisol set up SIDEWALK ANGELS to benefit "people who are destitute or homeless and get lost in the system; those who cannot afford proper medical care; animals that have been abandoned or abused," it says on their website.A statement issued by Cheyenne Frontier Days says, "We believe the right to own and use animals carries an obligation to provide proper care for all animals included in our celebration," adding that they do not "tolerate, condone, or permit actions that abuse animals."Photo courtesy of Warner Music. 

Broadcasting Titan Pappas Files For Bankruptcy

Pappas Telecasting, one of the nation's leading privately-held broadcasting companies, has filed for bankruptcy. Although the company owns 30 TV stations, only 13 have been put into Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. All are in medium- to upscale markets, including Omaha, Sioux City, El Paso, Reno, San Francisco, and Houston. The company indicated that its stations affiliated with the CW network had been particularly hard hit given that network's poor ratings. It also blamed the overall "extremely difficult business climate for television stations across the country," which have been required to make the costly switch from analog to digital broadcasting even as the current recession has reduced advertising revenue.

See Also

Paramore, Band Of Horses join Bumbershoot lineup

Paramore, Band Of Horses, The Black Keys, The All-American Rejects, Sons & Daughters and Estelle have been added to the lineup of Seattle's Bumbershoot Music and Arts festival.

The 38th annual event is set to take place from August 30 to September 1, over Labour Day Weekend at the 74-acre Seattle Center.

These bands will join headliners Beck and Stone Temple Pilots for the 38th annual event.

Also on the bill for the festival are !!! , Jakob Dylan, Neko Case, The Walkmen, Lucinda Williams, M Ward, Del Tha Funky Homosapien and Dan Deacon, as previously reported.

More acts are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

In addition to music, the festival features comedy, theatre, dance, film, urban crafts and literary components.

For tickets and further information, visit

--By our Los Angeles staff.
Find out more about NME.

Lovin' the limelight

American singer, songwriter and pianist Sara Bareilles was voted "most talented" by her high school chums. It seems they were right.

Having grown up around the boys from Maroon 5 and performing in everything from her high school musicals to MTV's TRL, it was inevitable this talented California girl would end up in the spotlight.

Audio: Listen to Sara's latest, chart-topping tune, Love Song

Last June, Bareilles' ditty Love Song was featured as an iTunes free download of the week. Consequently, when her debut album, Little Voice shot to No. 45 on the Billboard 200 charts when it debuted a month later.
"Songwriting is the most sacred thing in my life,'' says Sara on her MySpace page. "It’s how I process my world. For now, it’s usually me and my piano (that I rent cause I don’t have one), my lousy grammar, and some emotion that makes me feel like I’m bursting at the seams. And it’s the best feeling in the world. "
Bareilles will tour the US with Maroon 5 and Counting Crows next month.

Actor Brad Renfro dead at 25

Brad Renfro, the young actor best known for his role in the legal thriller 'The Client', has died. He was 25.
Reuters reports that Renfro was found dead in Los Angeles on Monday.
Los Angeles County Coroner's spokesman Ed Winter said that Renfro's cause of death was under investigation.
He said: "I can confirm that Brad Barron Renfro is deceased. He was found unresponsive in a residence... Paramedics responded and he was pronounced dead at 9am (Pacific Time)."
Renfro, whose other films included 'The Jacket', 'Ghost World', 'Bully' and 'Apt Pupil', had battled drug problems in recent years and pleaded guilty in 2006 to charges of trying to buy heroin.
After entering his guilty plea he was ordered into a drug treatment programme and placed on probation for three years.